Friday, January 25, 2008

MY weekend

So, DH got to the eye doctor. We ended up spending about $400 less than we normally do, just by going to Sam's club. His right eye got better, and the left a little worse...who knew. So, his new digs are in the mail.
Sister and brother in law were in route supposidly landing at 12:40p. I called my peeps at work, and was told they will be on the ground at 1210p. So, after making the suitable adjustments to getting myself ready, we were headed out the door. I pull up, and not just Leigh and Yo, but Sarah, my other sister came too! I was shocked...and excited! Nice suprise! Frankly I'm suprised she didn't spill the beans. So I got a twofer. LOL We proceed to go to lunch and have a few toddies and some grub, then head home to get them settled in their respective bedrooms. We then head out to my brother KC and Andrea's house for more toddies....and dinner. Well, just as soon as I get there....I run to the bathroom. It's coming from both ends.... I haven't been that sick in ...forever. I think I got a bad shrimp at lunch. GROSS. Glad that is over with.
We got up, hung around, drank coffee and gathered ourselves to meet Andrea when she got off of work at 11:30A. We were going to Johnny's dock for lunch. They have been, and are still in the middle of a huge construction project outside of the restaurant. Yikes, this has been going on for like 3 years. I cannot believe they are still in business, just because of how many people get too pissed off to actually MAKE it to the rest. They don't have it signed very well, and it has to be hurting their income. Anywho, Leigh loves it there...she drinks, eats, and plays pull tabs. She's won about $2000 in the past. DH and I left them with Andrea, and they will be sufficiently drunk, at my house, by the time we are off of work. UGH...I feel like shit, but jealous that they are all out having fun, while I am pushing stupid pilots around.
Got a call from MS last night. She is my coworker. I swear we were seperated at birth. Anyway, she finally got a date to go to the FAA. She goes on Feb 20th. We got the phone call last week, but the FAA couldn't get off their ass and make a here we are. Now, to get her affairs in order, and prepare her for moving in with us when she does get home from OKC. Sell the house? rent it? refinance? all that fun stuff. They have alot of decisions to make, and I'm here to help here since I'm 10 years older, she looks to me for some of that. I am looking forward to her moving in. It will be nice to have her around. She's funny. Phil, her hubby will go down to Cali for work training when she get's back.
My pilot buddy from back in the Cleveland days, is coming for a visit....I offered to take him to his hotel, which is downtown, in exchange for a drink and time for us to catch up. He said it's on. So that is tomorrow's shinanigans, I will go home to my drunk sisters once again! I like it!
We are having our 25th wedding anniversary party on sunday night....I'm gonna be tired! But it will be tons o doubt. On that note...over and out!

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